
First United Methodist Church welcomes members and non-members alike to hold their weddings in either of our two lovely spaces.

FUMC Wedding Policy Resolution

On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, the Church Council of First United Methodist Church of Omaha voted unanimously in agreement for the following resolution regarding our wedding policy:

As a Reconciling Congregation, effective April 2, 2019, First United Methodist Church of Omaha (FUMCO) will be in full ministry and pastoral care with the entirety of our community of faith and will not deny our sacred space regarding weddings for all persons and will host same gender weddings in its building and on its property. We will affirm and support all clergy relating to FUMCO and hired clergy staff, including appointed clergy, who choose to officiate same gender wedding ceremonies. We shall provide support to those clergy throughout, but not limited to, any complaint process including a trial phase if necessary, should complaints and charges be filed. The details of this support shall be under the oversight of the Staff Parish Relations Committee in consultation with Finance Committee and the Church Council of FUMCO.

Please click here for the complete statement regarding our resolutions moving forward after the decisions of General Conference.

Wedding Facilities

First United Methodist Church welcomes members and non-members alike to hold their weddings in either of our two lovely spaces:


Seats 600 Guests

Mead Chapel

Seats 50 guests