United Women in Faith (UWF) formerly United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
UWF especially focuses on issues related to women, children and youth. For information on the National UMW, please visit their website
All women of First United Methodist Church are welcome and encouraged to attend any of the UWF meetings.
General Meeting
- First Thursday of January, March, May, and November 10:00 am, room 112 (Light brunch followed by devotions, program, and business meeting)
- First Thursday of September 6:00 pm, the Commons (Potluck Meal)
Book Review
- Third Thursday of the month, February-May, September-November
- 10:00 am, the Parlor
For more information, contact: Shirley Carpenter
Afternoon Circle
- February, April, October, and December
- Time and date are variable depending on the off-site mission project
For more information, contact: Dottie Deines
Stitchin’ Sisters
- First Tuesday of the month
- 9:00 am, Room 112
- Sewing, knitting, crocheting, etc. for missions
For more information, contact: Nancy Coziahr
This is an important membership category for those women who are members of United Methodist Women that contribute their time, talents and money when called upon to help with some of our activities and missions, but are unable to regularly attend the circle or general meetings. For more information, contact: Nancy Coziahr
- Co-Presidents – Nancy Coziahr and Suzanne Morgan
- Vice-President – Diane Jensen
- Secretary – Judy Nauman
- Secretary for Program Resources – Ruth Kruse
Stitchin’ Sisters
- Education and Interpretation – Roberta Miller
- Membership Outreach and Nurture – Vacant
- Social Action – Dottie Deines
- Spiritual Growth – Iola Mullins
- Nominations Committee – Ranita Lilyhorn, Chairs - Diane Jensen & Lola Mullins