Health Ministries

“Health Ministry is a living witness to the healing sprit of God which emphasizes the integration of body, mind and spirit. It encourages whole-person health through increased self-knowledge, personal responsibility and interdependence among God’s people.” – Eastern Nebraska/Western Iowa Health Ministries

Jan Dixon, R.N. is the Faith Community Nurse for FUMC.

Blood Pressure screenings are the third Sunday of the month at either 9:30 or 10:30 a.m. in the Conference room.

The Healing Arts ministry provides classes throughout the year to learn and grow through different Spiritual Practices. Prior classes include: Contour Drawing, Journaling, Prayer, and other classes on whole body healing and care. A Celebration of Soulful Healing is an annual event that features many ways to help heal mind, body and soul.

If you or a loved one has a need for: wheelchairs, walkers, canes, toilet risers, crutches, or other small items, the Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP) program could possibly suit your need. Inquiries call the church office, 402-556-6262. We do not have large items such as hospital beds.

Purpose of Health Ministry

To embody the spirit of Christ’s Healing Ministry

To embolden individual spiritual, physical and mental growth

To empower all to participate in the continuing journey with God, other, self, and the environment

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