Children's Offerings
Can we add a thing here that says: This year will be the kickoff for our new programming series, Faith Infusion! This series is in partnership with WhyArts?, whose mission is dedicated to providing Omaha’s underserved populations with access to quality arts programming. More information about them can be found here:
Our hope is that through this new programming series, Faith Infusion we will find our faith in unique ways, using the arts as tools to empower our children. Remember that all are welcome at Sunday School so please invite family or friends! To look at our calendar of events you can look on our Facebook page or website!
Faith Studies (Sunday School)
- 9:30 - 10:30am
We are committed to Christian education, as well as encouraging families to worship together, and therefore we offer Sunday school year round during a separate education hour in between services.
Lessons are grounded in a progressive theology that affirms all people as sacred, beloved and beautiful. Children explore what it means to “love God and love your neighbor as yourself” through different spiritual practices. We teach children that they too can make a difference in our community with their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
Children may start attending Sunday school as soon as they turn three, even if it is in the middle of the school year. We are excited to start young hearts on the journey of Christian discipleship!
When and Where
Children meet every Sunday morning in room 204 from 9:30a-9:50a to rehearse with our Children’s choir director, Lauren Morrissey. At 9:50a the children will break into age-appropriate groups for fun and learning with Curriculum from the Peace Table bible. Drop-off and pick-up of children will occur in their individual classrooms. We hope to see you there!
- Three-Year-Olds – Pre-Kindergarten, Nursery Room 203
- Kindergarten (5 and 6-year-olds), room 206
- 1st-2nd Grade, room 205
- 3rd-4th Grade, room 209
- 5th-6th Grade, room 207
Kids Zone
We offer fun, friendly, and up-beat faith learning for the youngest members of our faith community. We have classes year-round for children ages 3-year-old to 4th grade, and offer Vacation Bible School in the summer.
Tween Zone
Moving from Elementary into Jr. High is an exciting time in the life of our children! Our tween scene Faith Studies group is for our 5th and 6th graders and meets every Sunday, as well as meets for a once-a-month group outing!
Our WONDER-Ones Nursery is open from 9:30a-12p every Sunday in room 203. The nursery is for children from birth to 4 years of age.
Hosanna Choir
Music is a wonderful way to express our gratitude for the many gifts God has given us. We sing each week in celebration of God’s love and learn important lessons. Children have the opportunity to sing in worship (10:50 am service) periodically throughout the year.
WONDER-ful Wednesdays
6p – 6:30p: Listening Lab
Location: WONDER Children’s Library
Intergenerational: ALL AGES WELCOME!
We’ll engage with a children’s book related to our monthly topic, playing with the text, images, themes & feelings it inspires.
6:30p – 7:30p: Exploring the Assembly
Location: WONDER Room 208
The Assembly is messy, mysterious, interconnected & ever-expanding. As creatures within it, we get to explore, get messy & create! We’ll engage all our senses & foment curiosity about ourselves, our world & our Divine interconnectedness.
Accompanying the Assembly
One the last Wednesday of each month, we’ll engage in solidarity & outreach with our community as part of our practical & public theology of interconnected repair.