FUMC Foundation

Over the 20+ years of existence, your Foundation, thanks to the generosity of its donors, has provided significant financial support to the workings of the church.
Over 20 years ago, a number of FUMC members had the foresight to realize the need for a long term, stable funding source for the church to help support church ministries, projects and our building’s maintenance needs. When major expenses arose, we needed to have a readily available source of funds to meet the need. As important to having funds readily available, another priority was to provide a mechanism for church members who have a passion or interest in a specific area of church life, to donate funds to support programming such as music, youth, volunteerism or building maintenance or facility enhancement. In 1998 the First United Methodist Church Foundation was incorporated and a Board of Directors was established to oversee financial contributions, investment of those contributions, and use/distribution of funds according to the bylaws of the Foundation.

Over the 20+ years of existence, your Foundation, thanks to the generosity of its donors, has provided significant financial support to the workings of the church, such as:


FUMC Foundation financial support over the last 6 years includes:

Shine Forth Campaign – Renovation of Cary Hall and kitchen/restrooms (now referred to as the Commons). Approximately $200,000 Foundation contribution. Foundation contribution (2013-2016)

Church endowment & church operational expenses – Support of the expenses of the church to help meet annual operational budget needs. Monies coming from both endowed and unrestricted funds have been used to address the funding gap in annual budgets. Approximately $330,000 Foundation contribution over the last six years.

Youth scholarships – Financing primarily through endowed Foundation funds. Approximately $10,000 Foundation contribution over the past six years.

Major building maintenance – Mead Chapel steeple repair, shingling, A/C repair, carpet replacement, etc. Approximately $640,000 of Foundation contribution which includes nearly $300,000 for parking lot resurfacing.

Music program – Monies primarily available through the Music Endowment fund of the Foundation and used at the discretion of the Director of Music. These have been used for community outreach concerts, instrumentalists, etc. Approximately $21,000 Foundation contribution (2013-2016).

Staff computer system maintenance/replacement – Approximately $27,000 Foundation contribution (2013-2016).

Fire detection and security – Approximately $92,000 Foundation contribution (2015-2016).

It is important to note, that over the years, some members have made significant contributions to fund specific projects or programs where the funds are not necessarily funneled through the Foundation. Whether it is a direct contribution or a contribution to the Foundation, the results are the same; helping address critical needs of our church while leaving a legacy.

How can we, as members of First Church, continue to support the vision of our church and focus on our mission of doing God’s work? What can we do now so our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and future FUMC members will want to carry forward a legacy we can give? It is something each of us should be contemplating and taking appropriate, well planned actions to transition us into the future.

If you have any questions or require additional information about making a difference through a bequest to the FUMC Foundation, please contact:

Bruce Deines
Chair of FUMC Foundation Board

Sheran Cramer
Secretary of FUMC Foundation Board

Dale Bahney
Church Treasurer